
Géoclip 4.12.0 is available



» Discover the new features of Géoclip 4.12.0!


Géoclip 4.12.0 is available


Géoclip, Ciril GROUP's web-based GIS solution for geostatistical observatories, is regularly enriched to offer still more effective and differentiating features. Géoclip unveils its new version 4.12.0 to offer users and administrators new features on the TJS protocol side as well as improvements related to security, administration, the user interface, etc. for observatories.


Géoclip promotes shared knowledge of territories through the accessibility and exchange of statistical data, as evidenced by the TJS - Table Joining Service - exchange format, one of Géoclip's key assets. The TJS protocol of the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) promotes interoperability and enables several databases to be connected to each other by means of web services in order to facilitate the sharing of geolocated data sets and/or indicators between observatories based on the Géoclip solution.


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bonjour 2019

Hello 2019

January is a good time to look up from the handlebars, take a look in the rearview mirror, and look further ahead, at the road out to the horizon.

Géoclip Air is now well out of the early years. The baby is doing well, it delights its parents and is appreciated by the members of its large family of users. To give a few figures, about fifty projects based on Géoclip Air are currently active, including about twenty already in production. Among these projects, while many are upgrades from the previous version of Géoclip O3, already more than ten are new. Read more

pistes d'évolution pour 2016

Plans for 2016

This time last year, we were reviewing developments in 2014 and drawing up our plans for 2015. It is with great satisfaction that we report that all of last year’s plans came to fruition in 2015.

For the coming year, the main task will be to vigorously pursue the development of our new major, adaptive HTML5 version, which will see the light of day in a year’s time.

In the meantime, our current versions continue to grow and improve.

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